Monday, October 13, 2008

Colostrum - the Silent Killer

We live in a world dependent on milk products. Most working mothers give milk formulas to their babies because it is convenient. And the rest of us drink it maybe because it tastes good.

In order to compare milk consumption between humans and cows, let us look at how much milk a cow consumes in it's lifetime. A calf drinks it's mother's milk for approximately a year and three months. Then it will start munching on grass. This means that a cow will drink milk for only a year and three months it's entire lifetime. Compare that to a human baby -- drinks cow's milk to adulthood!

Colostrum (first milk) produced by cows (and gestating mothers) contain essential immune system booster. What most people don't know is that in cow's milk, the level of "Casein" is high in Colostrum. According to American Pregnancy Association, human milk contains two types of proteins: whey and casein. Approximately 60% is whey, while 40% is casein. This balance of the proteins allows for quick and easy digestion. Cow's milk (or formula milk) however, has a greater percentage of casein (80%), it will be more difficult for the baby to digest. This "casein" protein is actually used in the furniture industry as a glue to stick furniture together! What is horrifying is not that; if ingested, this protein is difficult for humans to digest and it stays in our bloodstream for quite some time. Which means - the more we ingest colostrum(casein) the thicker our blood gets... putting a lot of stress on the heart.

How long does a calf drink colostrum? -- About three days. Three days in it's entire life is the only amount of time a cow would have ingested colostrum. Now there are products in the market promoting the benefits of colostrum. How much and for how long are people supposed to drink this colostrum milk? Definitely not for three days only. They are told to drink it every day! What is more surprising are claims of the so-called "health benefits" that can be derived from colostrum consumption.

Surely a substance that makes the blood thicker will not help the absorption of essential nutrients. In short, it will choke our system.

If you have cancer, you need all the nutrients you can get. If cancer doesn't kill you, colostrum will give you a heart attack sooner or later.

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